Your Intuitive Edge – Insight

What if I told you that you could change your Life in 2020 with Magic…Real Magic. And that the New Year could be a year for you like no other if you learned that manifesting your Destiny isn’t as simple as changing your thoughts, thinking positively, creating a Vision Board, or using your willpower.

What if I told you that manifesting your unknown potential in 2020 requires a skillful understanding of your Soul Contract, the Power of the Mystical Laws, the Laws of the Human Psyche, the Power of Archetypes, and showing up as a Spiritually Mature Adult – which means showing up as a conscious, empowered, and soul-esteemed Co-Creator – are you in?

What if I said that without all of this in play, you’re more likely to live your life in a predetermined fated way, looping around in the same limiting energy, and never becoming an X-factor that changes it up. And that if you understand the inner and outer co-creative systems of your life, you can not only change patterns – as an X-Factor you, can consciously decide what new creative momentum will take their place! What if I told you that you can do Magic in 2020…well you can!

With the annual Oholidays Sale in full swing on, I’m excited to announce that registration for my 20-Lesson You Can Do Magic Masterclass is opening early (now) for 2020! If you’ve been waiting for this course to be offered again, you’re in luck – not only is it back, you can also get up to 45% OFF if you buy this with another course – Happy Oholidays indeed!

If you haven’t yet heard about this course or want to know more, I got you. Check out this new YIE Insight video that is a montage of some of its powerful moments from Lessons I & II.

In this video you’ll learn:

  • What it takes to do real Magic
  • How Magic requires connecting to ‘Power Grids’ more powerful than you
  • The Truth about what your Patterns do with more resources & how that can sabotage you
  • Why Magic is a Mystical Art
  • How the Magician Archetype is
  • Why your Goals summon a ‘Dark Night’ process as part of Magic
  • The Magical Power of Destiny Archetypes
  • How you can master the Laws of Manifestation and become an X-Factor
  • Vertical vs. Horizontal Manifestation

Upon enrolling, you’ll have immediate access to the first 5 Lessons, with more Lessons rolling out in 2020 – including two LIVE Q&A Sessions with me. Click the banner below to learn more!


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