You Can Do Magic
Online Masterclass
Exploring the Power of Your Destiny Archetypes
Originally taught in April 2019 at a sold-out event in Boulder, Colorado – You too can now join Robert Ohotto from the comfort of your own home for his 20-Lesson Online Master Class intensive that will empower you with the capacity to gain mastery over your Subconscious Mind, activate the Power of Destiny Archetypes, and harness the Magical Laws of Life!
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20 Lessons
This online masterclass will guide you through a dynamic process that will teach you how to harness the Magical Laws of Life.

Study Materials
Each lesson includes a power-packed online video, downloadable audio, and a downloadable PDF full of supportive content, diagrams, and homework.
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All purchases subject to our Terms of Service
Additional items are recommended but not included with your purchase. See the bottom of this page to learn more.
Tired of feeling powerless to your Past and how it keeps repeating in your Present?
Ready to identify and replace the Archetypal Crew inside you that is at the root of your Self-Sabotage and Limits?
Want to learn how your Subconscious Mind recruits and activates your Archetypal Patterns – are you ready to take the reins?
Ready to do a guided intuitive reading on your ‘Magical System of Co-Creation’?
Feeling called to discover and align to the fundamental reasons of why you were born?
Ready to activate new Creative Forces of Destiny and shift into your unlived Potential?
Want to shake things up and create a little Magic in your Life with some ‘X-Factor Space’?
Throughout the intuitive readings I’ve done over the past 15 years I’ve come to realize that our lives will forever be a dance between the Fate we are born into, and moving beyond that limit into what our Potential beckons us to become. However, that Potential is never guaranteed to us, rather its birth must be earned through the Sacred Alchemical Experiment that your Soul chose to participate in – which is called Destiny.
Manifesting your Destiny isn’t as simple as changing your thoughts, thinking positively, creating a Vision Board, or using your willpower. To manifest the gold of this experimental opus requires a skillful understanding of your Soul Contract, the Power of the Mystical Laws, the Laws of the Human Psyche, the Power of Archetypes, and showing up as a Spiritually Mature Adult – which means showing up as a conscious, empowered, and soul-esteemed Co-Creator.
Without all of this in play, you’re more likely to live your life in a predetermined fated way, looping around in the same limiting energy, and never becoming an X-factor that changes it up. If you are lacking a holistic understanding of all that makes you – you, and are also unaware of how Co-Creation really works within the holographic nature of Life, than the power to change your Life will remain dormant, rendering most attempts to transform ineffective.
Yet, when you understand the inner and outer co-creative systems of your life, you can not only change patterns – as an X-Factor you can consciously decide what new creative momentum will take their place! You can do Magic…
I hope you’ll join me for this 20-Lesson Online Master Class created from a 5-day intensive workshop that I taught in Boulder, Colorado in April 2019. I will guide you through a dynamic process that will not only unveil how the co-creative systems of Life work, but will also teach you how to align to the Mystical Laws and activate Magic through the Power of Destiny Archetypes.
Over the course of 20-Lessons I will help you identify the primary terms of your Soul Contract, name and explore your core Archetypes of Survival Adaptation, teach you how your Subconscious Mind recruited this Crew to protect you, help you identify how they are sabotaging you now – keeping you stuck in limiting loops of potential, and teach you the Magic your Destiny Archetypes can create instead! Most notably we will take a deep dive into the Magician Archetype…
Through guided exercises, meditations, powerful intuitive work, hypnosis, learning new archetypes, compassion, high voltage spiritual instruction, and humor – this intensive will leave you with a new alignment to your Life’s Optimal Potential. You will enter your daily life transformed into an initiated X-Factor, Magician, and Alchemist.

“Manifesting your Destiny isn’t as simple as changing your thoughts, thinking positively, creating a Vision Board, or using your willpower.”
Here’s some more of what will be covered during this Master Class:
- How to move beyond everyday often unconscious ‘Manifesting’ to an initiated state of ‘Magical Co-Creation’
- What Power Grids are, the Power Grids you are unconsciously working with, and the new Power Grids you’ll need to connect to for Magic
- Real vs. Fantasy Magic
- How to transition from Horizontal Manifestation to Vertical Manifestation
- The Power of Archetypes & Archetypal Cycles
- Why every goal you create comes with a Dark Night
- What Magic is, Magical Law, & The Magician Archetype
- The interrelatedness of the Unseen Energetic Dimensions of Power with the 5-Sensory Realm
- Mastering the hidden powerful Dynamics and Laws of the Human Psyche
- The Power and Magic of Soul Prayers
- The Necessity of Soul-Esteem and Ethics within Magic
- How your Power is archetypally organized into four categories of Archetypes that comprise your Soul Contract
- The Fundamental Mystical Laws that are part of Magic and form Magical Law
- Recognizing Fate Archetypes in your Life
- Understanding the true role of initiation & sacrifice in Magic vs. the myths
- Survival Archetypes of Adaptation – what they are, how to identify yours and deactivate them
- Destiny Archetypes – what they are and how to activate them
- What an Archetypal Team is, recognizing yours, and how to let go of Archetypal Team Members while recruiting new ones!
- Mastering how the Subconscious Mind recruits and activates Archetypes
- The lost power of Conscious Ritual and how to claim it to Activate Archetypes
- A holographic exploration of various fundamental Archetypal Patterns
- How to turn a Vision Board into a powerful Magic Board of Vertical Manifestation
- Harnessing the Power of Hypnosis to do Magic
- How to become an X-Factor of Magic, Miracles, & Grace
And of course, there is much more! You will have lifetime access to this course. Each Lesson comes with a video and downloadable audio version, plus PDF Workbook. There is prep work to do before beginning this Master Class that is explained in a pre-lesson video inside the course. In addition to 18 produced video lessons there will also be 2 bonus LIVE Lessons in late July and early September 2019. Start now so you can Robert for these LIVE Lessons!
20 Lesson Master Class
Gain mastery over your Subconscious Mind, activate the Power of Destiny Archetypes, and harness the Magical Laws of Life - each lesson includes a power-packed online video, downloadable audio with guided meditations, and a downloadable PDF full of supportive content, diagrams, and homework.
Join Now
All purchases subject to our Terms of Service .
Additional items are recommended but not included with your purchase. See the bottom of this page to learn more.
Recommended Items
These items are recommended for the course but are not included: Caroline Myss Archetype Cards & Poster Board Materials to create your Magic Board.
Click here purchase Caroline Myss Archetype Cards on
Purchase Terms
As is Industry Standard, there are no refunds on any digital products - no exceptions. We want to be clear in stating this as to empower you regarding this purchase decision. Digital content is not something that can be returned and resold. Once you download it, you now possess it and have entered into a legally binding agreement of exchange with Not honoring these Terms may result in legal action and/or a permanent lifetime ban from future purchases on
All Robert Ohotto educational products are not intended as a replacement for psychotherapy or medical care. Robert Ohotto does not assume responsibility for how the customer chooses to apply the suggestions provided throughout this series.
Additionally, the ideas, procedures and information offered do not constitute a replacement for a consultation with a licensed mental health practitioner or physician, and do not claim to cure any disease. This material may not be used to treat or diagnose any particular person or condition.