Intuiting the complexity of your Soul agreements must naturally include all the elements of your life that inform your self-concept and make you – you.
As an Intuitive Life Strategist with more than fifteen years of experience with clients from all walks of life, I am highly skilled at perceiving the sacred agreements you made with the Universe before you were born. These agreements comprise your ‘Soul Contract,’ which calls you to participate with the Divine in the co-creation of your life on this planet. In fact, it is my primary task with each reading/consultation to intuitively spell out the terms of your Soul’s journey in this life.
Perhaps the most powerful component of the reading is my capacity to help you see your life symbolically through the eyes of your Soul, for that’s where the power to change your Destiny is truly found. I will present you with the dominant energies that are in the process of transforming your life as part of your Soul’s Schedule, which will further inform you as to what is trying to both die and be born in your life— and how to cooperate with that dynamic process.
Everyone I have done a reading on leaves the reading feeling validated and presented with a lot to process and reflect on afterward.
~ Robert

“See your life symbolically through the eyes of your Soul, for that’s where the power to change your Destiny is truly found.”
Full Initial Intuitive Consultations
A full initial intuitive consultation consists of an hour-long private phone session with Robert.
You will receive an mp3 download of the recording of the consultation within 30 days after it has transpired. Because Robert uses the natal chart as an intuitive tool, you will also receive a copy of your natal chart, which will be emailed to you before the reading. Robert's assistant will email the chart before the scheduled reading to confirm the accuracy of your birth data.
Please note: Recordings for full initial intuitive consultations are provided to clients as a courtesy and are not part of the consultation fee. Client acknowledges that neither Robert Ohotto nor Ananke-Apollo, LLC are responsible for inability to provide session recordings in the event of equipment failure or for any other reason, and understands the recording can take up to 30 (thirty) days to be made available for digital download.
Before signing up for a personal full intuitive consultation, please read the consultation descriptions carefully to determine which one will best meet your needs. For example, you may want to include someone else for a relationship consultation, or if you're considering moving to a new area, a relocation consultation may be more appropriate.
Many of Robert’s clients have sought his help in understanding their Soul Contracts as they pertain to significant relationships with others. To be sure, understanding the deeper reasons why we are in relationships with others – whether as partners, spouses, friends, or even adversaries – and seeing those relationships through the eyes of the Soul offers insight, healing, closure, forgiveness, and strategies to maximize the intimacy we share with them.
If you are seeking insight or harmony in a particular relationship, you may want to consider adding another person to be ‘intuitively read’ as part of your consultation. However please note any person over the age of 18 must sign a consent form prior to the consultation, as Robert will not formally intuitively read someone without their express permission to be included in the session. Once this form has been signed by the client and additional party, it must then be faxed to Robert’s office prior to the consultation.
When an additional person is added to your reading, bear in mind that Robert will only be addressing that person as he or she relates to you, and will not be speaking to anyone but the client during the reading. At no time is any additional party permitted on the phone.
I also offer sessions that deal with relocation. This requires looking at how your birth chart maps out onto the world, which shows the locations where you will experience dominant archetypal energies in the world. This is very helpful when looking at the possibility of relocating based on the intent in the relocation itself. For example, if you are relocating for career it can be useful to see which locations carry the most beneficial career energy, and which do not. To add the relocation component to an initial intuitive consultation there is an additional fee of $100. Be sure to select this option if you are interested in relocating when signing up for a consultation.
Throughout the years Robert has helped many entrepreneurs, authors, TV show and movie producers, actors, designers, and various businesses maximize their potential via consultations focused on developing new ideas and innovative strategies for success.
Whether you’re planning to start a new business, write a book, or developing a marketing strategy, it can be of enormous importance to understand the cycles and energies surrounding such endeavors from both a personal and collective perspective.
For example, if you’re going to write a book, and are looking to publish it at the most auspicious time, it would be very helpful to assess your personal cycles to see if the time is right for you to move forward. In addition, to write a book that others will actually buy and read, you must understand how their needs are shaped by the collective cycles affecting the world so that you can speak to those new needs via your book. Otherwise, your book might not be relevant for what people drawn to your field of expertise are looking for.
Timing and strategy can mean everything regarding the successful launch of any enterprise, certainly if you wish to achieve maximum impact. To that end, Robert offers consultations uniquely designed to help clients develop the most informed strategies for successful planning with regards to their personal, creative, and business goals.
Follow-ups for Full Consultations
A follow-up consultation lasts one hour and is solely for clients Robert has previously worked with in a full one-hour initial intuitive consultation capacity. A follow-up can be shaped to fit your needs, and will include an in-depth look at your Soul's Schedule and the dominant archetypal cycles affecting you. It will also address all changes coming up for you within the next year.
Note that an assessment of your Soul's Schedule and the next year's dominant archetypal cycles is included as part of an initial personal intuitive consultation. As these readings are not available in the online store, please email to schedule your follow-up appointment.
Robert currently does not have any consultation sessions available. Please contact us to be added to our consultation wait list and be notified as soon as sessions are available.
Initial Intuitive Consultation
A full initial intuitive consultation consists of an hour-long private phone session with Robert.
$1,250 - SOLD OUT
Follow Up Consultation
A follow-up consultation lasts one hour and is solely for clients Robert has previously worked with.
$800 - SOLD OUT