Jupiter went Retrograde in Taurus on September 4th, 2023, and will remain retrograde until December 30th – ushering in a deep demand that you start to see the World with new intuitive eyes, while soon bringing you to a major Life Crossroads of Choice.

  • But how exactly do Jupiter Retrograde Cycles work?
  • Are there 3-Phases to a Jupiter Retrograde, just like Mercury Retrograde?
  • Why does Jupiter have everything to do with your Intuition?
  • What new Taurus Crossroad of Choice is ahead for you later on in this Retrograde Cycle & when will it arrive?

After reading these questions, I hope that you can sense that Jupiter Cycles are a BIG deal!
I mean, what else would you expect from the largest planet in our Solar System?

The good news is that I cover each of these questions and more in this new video – including the exact dates of the entire Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus Process which, yes, unfolds via 3-Phases that take us into 2024.

In addition to that, in this video (created from a 6-Part Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus Series that I taught in April 2023) I’ll reveal:

  • The Fundamental Aspects of the Taurus Archetype
  • How this Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus reveals new dynamics of the incoming Age of Aquarius…
  • What determines your Level of Consciousness, and how that affects your experience of all Astrological Cycles
  • The Role Jupiter Cycles play in the unfolding of each Year’s opportunities – including 2023!
  • The exact dates of this Jupiter Retrograde’s 3-Part Process, and how to work with them
  • How Jupiter functions as an Intuitive Compass and how to use it
  • Jupiter as your intuitive guide to Risk
  • The Necessity of Learning a Jupiter Vocabulary to receive your Jupiter Retrograde Message
  • Why it’s essential to understand Astrology as an alive Phenomenon
  • The Jupiter Retrograde Crossroads of Choice that is coming for you…
  • Why you are unconsciously at War with the ‘Earth’ aspect of Yourself, and how to end this Battle
  • Jupiter’s Four Dimensional Truths and how to work with them
  • Why you likely suffer from a wounded Taurus, and how that unconsciously co-creates your Life
  • The most essential question you must ask yourself at this Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus Crossroads

…And, as always, there is so much more.

This Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus Cycle is a game changer for our Times and can reveal a new potential that your Life desperately needs – if you align to its Guidance.

Find out how to use this Cycle as a way align to this new potential and heal any scarcity that is in your Life so that you can stand in the abundance of the Earth’s Taurus bounty – emboldened & embodied!

-Robert Ohotto

This video is sponsored by my new Cosmic Guidance Package Series for 2023 which includes a 6-Part Series on The Jupiter Cycle for 2023, a 9-Part Series on Saturn in Pisces, and – for a limited time – a 3-Part Series on this current Mercury Retrograde in Virgo which finishes its final phase on September 29th, 2023!

Access to this entire Package ends on October 31, 2023 – don’t miss this opportunity to go deeper into all things Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus & Saturn in Pisces!

You can check out the Cosmic Guidance Series for 2023 here:

The Cosmic Guidance Package - Gone Forever Oct. 31! Join Now

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