What Most Astrologers Never Talk About…

  • Have you been following an Astrology that is leaving out some fundamental much needed information – how would you know?
  • Are there Topics that many Astrologers steer clear of? Why? – And what would they be?
  • What makes most Astrology effectively 2-D vs. Multi-D?
  • Can Astrology be used in a way that you don’t know about?
  • Are you ready to see Astrology through the eyes of a Co-Creator?

This video will answer the above questions and more.
Indeed, it’s time that I shared my comprehensive list of what most Astrologers never talk about…
I’m telling you that you need to know this more than you know. 😉

So, are you ready to open your eyes to what’s often missing in most of the Astrology out there these days? Heck yes you are!

During this video you’ll learn how this missing information can help you use Astrology as an empowered Co-Creator that has an ‘Intuitive Edge’ in all areas of their Life.

Don’t miss this chance to upgrade your astrological understanding and gain an essential Compass of Destiny for your Life!

-Robert Ohotto

This video is sponsored by my new Cosmic Guidance Package Series for 2023 which includes a 6-Part Series on The Jupiter Cycle for 2023, a 9-Part Series on Saturn in Pisces, and – for a limited time – a 3-Part Series on this current Mercury Retrograde in Virgo which finishes its final phase on September 29th, 2023!

Access to this entire Package ends on October 31, 2023 – don’t miss this opportunity to go deeper into all things Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus & Saturn in Pisces!

You can check out the Cosmic Guidance Series for 2023 here:

The Cosmic Guidance Package - Gone Forever Oct. 31! Join Now

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