Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus 2023 –
Will You Evolve or Repeat?

On October 14th we experienced the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra, and now that energetic alchemy is evolving into a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on October 28th!

Have you been feeling the shift in the atmosphere?! Do you sense that there is an important Crossroads coming? (hint, there is!)

What’s more – All Full Moons are energetically bound to the Sun’s Zodiac Energy that’s illuminating them.

But what happens when the Earth eclipses the flow of the Energy from the Sun’s activated Zodiac Sign (Scorpio this time) from the Full Moon (Taurus this time) — thereby creating what is called a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse?

Well, a major Shift in the Earth’s Psyche & Archetypal Grid occurs — which means that something is about to change in your Life in a big way…

Exactly how will the upcoming Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus affect YOU and how can you be prepared for this?  In this new video I take a deep dive into these very questions!

One thing is certain, this Eclipse will bring all of us to a very powerful question: Will we EVOLVE or REPEAT in our Lives?

This means that YOU will be brought to the Crossroads of, not only this question, but also its answer — most notably in terms of your Relationships & Role as a Co-creator.

And while the Archetypal Energy of this Eclipse is focused on all things Taurus ♉️ – its powerful Alchemy is actually sourced from the Sun in Scorpio. ♏️

Understanding what this means is fundamental to knowing just what in your Life is on repeat and needs to evolve so that you can give new form (Taurus) to your future Potential!

If your Emotional Compass seems to be spinning a bit lately, don’t worry as there is a Guide that can help you with this upcoming Eclipse Crossroads – ME!

I’ve got you — in fact, in this video I’ll cover:

  • How this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus uniquely connects with the recent New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra
  • Ways to positively use the Eclipse’s Energetic Shift of the Earth’s Archetypal Matrix
  • The Cosmic Heart’s Role in moving through the Four Levels of Scorpio Energy that are active within this Eclipse…
  • What the Astrology Chart of this Lunar Eclipse offers as Celestial Instructions on Evolving instead of Repeating Personally & Collectively
  • How this Eclipse serves as a trigger point to the current Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus Cycle
  • The most important things to consider within the Event Chart cast for this Eclipse…

Within the life changing guidance found in this video I share how you can best use this powerful Eclipse activation to resolve and evolve the things in your Life that have you stuck on repeat.

If you are ready to get off your Life’s emotional hamster wheel – this new video is for you! 

I invite you to bring all that’s stuck on repeat and join me. It’s time to evolve! 🙏

Robert Ohotto

This video is sponsored by my 3-Part Course ‘Evolve or Repeat’ – currently discounted at 50% OFF until October 31st! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to heal your Emotional System so that you can move out of ‘Repeat’ into the NEW possibilities waiting for you!

Evolve or Repeat - Save 50%!

This video is also sponsored by my new Cosmic Guidance Package Series for 2023 which includes a 6-Part Series on The Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus Cycle for 2023, & an 11-Part Series on Saturn in Pisces that spans over the next 2.5 years.

The Cosmic Guidance Package - Gone Forever Oct. 31! Join Now

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11 months ago

Thanks so much

Ruth Pulver
Ruth Pulver
11 months ago

GOING THROUGH NEARLY UNBEARABLE INTENSITY, you are a life saver, my personal chart and the transits lately – and this one, with Kyron sitting on my sun aries 16, etc. – am 75! an empath I guess, but abandoned by my own two sons. your input is powerful, natural at the same time, right on, connected to God, and because there is a God, of course there also must be Karma (to your latest series). You available for a phone talk? not sure whether my other means are working well enough, from Crestone, Co, up in the mountains in my… Read more »

11 months ago

That was amazing, and very comprehensible. I have SN scorp 7th. Taurus pp rising. I’ve been going thru so much shadow work, like it or not.thanks, Robert!

Andrea R
Andrea R
11 months ago

Interestingly, within the past month I just up and decided to switch back to my old career field, deciding that it is truly where my purpose is. Long story, but it was so in tune with the solar eclipse focus on healing relationships that it was uncanny to me when I watched the video on that. I appreciate this video for giving me the insight to look out for when and where I might either repeat the same mistakes or evolve and respond to things with more maturity and wisdom. Wish me luck with keeping things out of my head… Read more »

11 months ago

Thanks so much Robert for this beautiful instruction on personal evolution!

Jo Spiller
Jo Spiller
10 months ago

Coach! It’s working! I caught myself in an old pattern and didn’t alter it until I had the thought that this was a gift of grace for me and ĥere was the opportunity to repeat or evolve. Right here. Ì so much want to tell you the story but my gut tells me that although I might find it awesome and even interesting, you can read me well enough to get what is important. Ohotto, I made a choice I have never made before, I couldn’t have without your straight down in front coaching, doing every bit of the homework… Read more »