The Soul of Money

What is the ‘Soul of Money’? How can you use your finances as intuitive guidance toward living your Destiny? Have you been unconsciously creating more financial blocks and lack in your life through a shadow loyalty to poverty? Break free and unleash the financial flow you most want on this paradigm shattering podcast!


Paying the ‘Debt of Non-Presence’

What happens to your energetic system, psyche, and body when you leave the present moment for too long? Find out why Ohotto says if you leave for too long through patterns that time-warp your system, you will go into the ‘Debt of Non-Presence’. Discover how this can manifest in your life so you can recognize … Read More


Have You Been Hijacked by the Soul Mate Mythology?

Do you believe in Soul Mates? What is your personal Soul Mate Mythology? Do you believe it’s about finding THE ONE? How does the Soul Mate-Soul Contract really work? How could your beliefs about it be keeping you from engaging self-respect, discernment, and healthy self-care when it comes to relationships? You won’t want to miss … Read More


When Are You Trying Too Hard? Self-Effort vs. Grace

How do you know you are trying too hard? When should you let ‘Jesus’ take the wheel? Don’t miss this guiding podcast as Robert riffs around on one of his favorite topics: Self Effort vs. Grace. Learn how you can recognize when you need to let go, relax, and let the Universe do its thing! … Read More


How Prayers are Answered via Your Intuitive Guidance System

Hey Everyone! I know that it’s been a minute, both in terms of my radio show/podcasts as well as my newsletters – good news is you’re getting both today! As a teacher, guide, counselor, etc, I’ve learned that one simply can’t teach/guide all the time – there need to be breaks during which life is … Read More


Understanding The Soul Contract of a ‘Light Worker’

Do you have the soul contract of the ‘Light Worker’? How do you know? What is the real calling of someone that has this archetype? Find out why Robert feels this term is used way too casually in spirituality and self-help without a real understanding of what this pattern actually asks of you. Discover the … Read More
