
Jupiter Retrograde
in Sagittarius
Active Phases
Set Up: Jan 14 —> Apr 10, 2019
Retrograde: Apr 10 —> Aug 11, 2019
Integration: Aug 11 —> Nov 05, 2019
The 2019 Jupiter Retrograde in Sagittarius
and Astrological Guide to 2019
Each year the planet Jupiter activates a new Archetypal Process as it transitions into a new Astrological Sign and goes into its Retrograde Phases. In 2019, this all occurs through the Archetype of Sagittarius – holographically altering both our global and individual Fate and Destiny. This means 2019 will be the year your Potential is asked to expand via New Courage, Confidence, Capabilities, & Soul-Esteem.
Soul Esteem, Confidence, Capability, & Courage – Aligning to the Intuitive Nature of Mystical Truth
With Special Soul Contract Hypnosis® Audio: Activating Capability & Confidence!!!

Live Webinars
During this 3-Part, 7.5-hour On-Demand Webcast, Robert covers in enormous depth the Jupiter Retrograde in Sagittarius Cycle, its timing, and its activated Archetypes!

Study Materials
Lifetime access to the on-demand video and audio version, complete with comprehensive PDF Guide! Also get Robert’s Astrological Guide to 2019 and Soul Contract Hypnosis audio.
Jupiter as an Archetype has everything to do with the word ‘Potential’ – that in you which has the inherent capacity of coming into being, but has not been born yet. And with its activation of Sagittarius, 2019’s Jupiter Cycle summons the Sagittarian aspect of your Potential that remains unclaimed, dormant, and unconscious in your Psyche and Soul Contract.
During the first 2.5-Hour session of this 3 Part/7.5-Hour On-demand Webcast Robert covers in enormous depth the Jupiter Retrograde in Sagittarius Cycle, its timing, and its activated Archetypes – as well the other Major Archetypal Cycles of 2019 via his annual Astrological Forecast.
Next comes a new Bonus Course: Soul Esteem, Confidence, Capability, & Courage –
Aligning to the Intuitive Nature of Mystical Truth. Comprised of two additional sessions totaling 5-Hours, Robert gifts you with new teachings and a separate bonus singular hypnosis program that will wire your Subconscious Mind to the power of your Soul & Soul Contract.
All this is done ‘Ohotto Style’ via Robert’s trailblazing approach to Astrology, Archetypes, the Human Psyche, and Soul Contracts. His teachings will illuminate why it’s essential to consciously engage this powerful Cycle as a Co-creator and how you can.
You’ll also receive a comprehensive printable PDF Guide filled with specific dates, timing, and questions for reflection to help you maximize the gifts of the Jupiter Retrograde in Sagittarius Cycle and accompanying Bonus Course.

“2019 will be the year your Potential is asked to expand via New Courage, Confidence, Capabilities, & Soul-Esteem!”
In the Jupiter Retrograde in Sagittarius Session Discover…
- The Archetypes you’ll need to Activate and Deactivate during this
- An in-depth understanding of Jupiter's Archetype and its role as a Guiding Force of Personal Power in 2019
- Why you need to use the Jupiter Retrograde in Sagittarius to prep for future growth and opportunities
- An in-depth look at what changes the 2019 Cycles of Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Chiron, and Saturn will bring…
- How the Mercury Retrogrades of 2019 will affect you and their dates/timing
- The exact timing and dates for the Jupiter Retrograde in Sagittarius and ways to track its numerous Archetypal Activations
- How this Jupiter Retrograde cycle connects to the previous Jupiter Retrograde in Scorpio in 2019
- Various Astrological Charts & Diagrams that help illustrate key timing and principles
In the Bonus Course ‘Soul-Esteem, Confidence, Capability, & Courage – Aligning to the Intuitive Nature of Mystical Truth’ Discover…
- What Truths you are unconsciously aligned to and how that collapses your Potential
- The Intuitive Nature of Mystical Truth and how to align to it
- The difference between Esteem, Confidence, Capability, and Courage
- What creates your ‘Capacities’ in Life and how to move beyond your current limits
- The dangers of many Self-Help and Coaching Models of Esteem, Courage, & Confidence
- Why aligning to the Intuitive Nature of Mystical Truth is essential for activating new Soul-Esteem, Confidence, and Courage
- The Truth Technician Archetype & The Anatomy of Truth
- What comprises your Esteem-System and how to shift to Soul-Esteem
- The usefulness of Post-Esteem Anger and how to identify yours
- The inherent limits of Psychological Models of Esteem & Confidence
- Activating True Authenticity
- The ‘Truth Codes’ of Archetypes
- Why your Past is always Present
- The Truth of the Bodhisattva Soul Contract & Archetype
- How Shame has created various Metaphysical Models of Truth
- What determines the Power of a Truth
- How a Truth can limit or open access to a new dimension of Potential
- Why you should redefine your Spiritual Practice
- Revolutionary new approach to Self-Reliance
- The karmic consequences of every Truth you are aligned to
- How a Truth can grant or limit your access to the Holographic Power Grid of Life
- What Truths activate Soul-Esteem, Confidence, Capability, & Courage and how to align to Them
Join Now
Enjoy lifetime access to the on-demand video and audio version, complete with comprehensive PDF Guide! Also get Robert’s Astrological Guide to 2019 and Soul Contract Hypnosis audio.
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