Are you feeling like your stuck inside, jammed up, or intuitively constipated? You know…nothing seems to be flowing, can’t seem to get clear guidance, and you’re watching parts of you clash and crash. Then this show is for YOU! No need for a laxative, just download this podcast and find out how you can get the inner traffic flowing again!

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6 years ago

Wonderful as I love the content & your style of presenting of every one of your talks/videos that I have seen & heard! Thank you!

Genevieve Belle
Genevieve Belle
6 years ago

Can I just say I LOVE your humor! Haha you are the best! Really though, I have enjoyed the lessons. They are so enlightening and have really helped me navagate the chaos. Wish you all the best Robert.

Jacqueline Mohlman
Jacqueline Mohlman
6 years ago

Refreshing . . . honest and real.

Gill Gosling
Gill Gosling
5 years ago

BEAUTIFUL – perfectly timed as always Robert – your straight to the point messages touching all peeps deep to the spaces that matter are a real gift for humanity. Bless you -I personally love you and your work to the stars n back again – and we haven’t even met in face only here on the wonder waves of the love t’internet vibrations. You are always one of the BEST life-fulfilling advice teachers on the face of our planet – keep on BE-ing you. Keeping it real. Always TRUST the universe certainly has Ohotto’s back. We are all in this… Read more »

Gill Gosling (Dragonfly)
Gill Gosling (Dragonfly)
5 years ago

BEAUTIFUL – perfectly timed as always Robert – your straight to the point messages touching all peeps deep to the spaces that matter are a real gift for humanity. Bless you -I personally love you and your work to the stars n back again – and we haven’t even met in face only here on the wonder waves of the love t’internet vibrations. You are always one of the BEST life-fulfilling advice teachers on the face of our planet – keep on BE-ing you. Keeping it real. Always TRUST the universe certainly has Ohotto’s back. We are all in this… Read more »