Soul Destinies Home Study Course
Discover Your Soul Contract
Don't miss this rare opportunity to uncover your Destiny as revealed through HoloKompass Astrology™ with Robert Ohotto and this 54 Hour Home Study! Also included is an additional 7 Hour Chiron Workshop for FREE! That's over 61 hours of learning total.
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Study Materials
The Soul Destinies Home Study course includes: Flash Drive with over 61 Hours of Audio, Seven Different Personalized Natal Charts, Course Binder and 200 Page Workbook, A Copy of Robert's Book “Transforming Fate into Destiny,” Complimentary Set of Archetype Cards by Caroline Myss.
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$1,995.00 [ OUT OF STOCK ]
Because of the frequent requests he receives for this material from prospective students who were unable attend past weekend intensives in South Dakota where Robert taught, at the highest level, his ground breaking work on how to decode your Soul Contract using Intuitive Archetypal Astrology (HoloKompass™); for a limited time Robert has made the Soul Destinies course available in audio format for home study purposes again!
Available while supplies last, anyone interested in gaining an in depth understanding of their Soul Contract, Intuition, and Intuitive Archetypal Astrology can now do so at a self-guided pace without having to travel any farther than the mailbox.
Now you can have access to discovering your Soul Contract via 61 hours of audio guiding you through each carefully-crafted aspect of your 200 page workbook and seven personalized birth charts!
The Soul Destinies Home Study option is ideal for anyone interested in exploring deeper layers of their life purpose, family legacy, psyche, and archetypes, in addition to loving Robert's singular teaching style and philosophy on Astrology.
Having the full year of Soul Destinies weekend intensive material at your fingertips also gives you the added flexibility of tailoring this wealth of information to help you meet your own personal goals and strengthen your current personal spiritual practice.

“Decode your Soul Contract and explore the deeper layers of your life purpose, family legacy, psyche, and archetypes.”
Among the topics addressed in this course:
- Anatomy of the Psyche
- Cosmos as Psyche - What Are Archetypes?
- Mythology and Astrology
- Astrology as the Architecture of Your Consciousness
- Archetypal Fate
- The Twelve Signs of the Zodiac and Their Sub-Archetypes
- Understanding the Seven Ancient Planets as Developmental Forces of Personality
- How to Identify Collective Archetypal Patterns
- Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto as Forces of Your Soul
- How to Indentify Archetypal Generations and Know Your Own
- The Astrological Ages
- Why Your Soul Chose to Incarnate This Lifetime
- How Your Under Contract to Express Your Ego in Four Primary Ways and What Archetypes are Involved
- Why Chiron is the Bridge to the Age of Aquarius
- Transitioning from Servitude to Service via Two Significant Cycles of Saturn
- Learning to How to See Your Entire Birth Chart as the Blueprint of Your Purpose
- Identifying the Exact Timing of Your Soul Contract
- Learning the 12 Houses as 12 Archetypal Steps of Ego and Soul Development
- How to Harness Your Intuition as a Clear Guiding Voice
- Identifying Your Archetypes of Family Legacy and Fate
- Deep Guided Transformational Work that Connects You with Your Spirit Guides
- Understanding Your Personal and the Collective Shadow Side of the Psyche
- The Difference Between Guilt, Shame, and Remorse
- How to decode Planetary Aspects as 'Clauses Written in Your Soul Contract'
- Identifying and releasing Shadow Loyalties that keep you stuck
- Rebuilding a Sense of Personal Value after a Dark Night of the Ego
- Two Powerful Guided Rituals of Release and Renewal
- Your Archetypal Guardians of Transformation and how to work with them
- Understanding Our Collective Process of Fate and Destiny
- The Essential Way to Your Inner Wounds
- Identifying Your Soul Contract with Others
- How the Psyche functions as an Energy System
- Understanding the Soul Contract of Your Children and Family Members
- Ethics on Intuition, the Soul Contracts of Others, and Boundaries
And so much more! Truly you'll be learning from this Home Study for years to come! Replete with transformative guided meditations, an in-depth zodiacal review, and symbolic ritual exercises, this comprehensive audio course arms you with everything you need to guide you into a fuller understanding of your Soul Contract, while learning in the most in depth way Robert teaches Archetypal Astrology.
Study Materials
The Soul Destinies Home Study course includes: Flash Drive with over 61 Hours of Audio, Seven Different Personalized Natal Charts, Course Binder and 200 Page Workbook, A Copy of Robert's Book “Transforming Fate into Destiny,” Complimentary Set of Archetype Cards by Caroline Myss.
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$1,995.00 [ OUT OF STOCK ]